Adventures in Writing

The AI Writing Debate: Will It Assist or Replace Writers?

Insecure Writers Want to Know AI. I wish I understood it better. I believe AI is a program. And there are different programs. AI follows your prompts, parameters, or questions. …

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Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

Rugged Mountains and trees in Alaska

Insecure Writers Want to Know I’ve never really felt conflicted about anything I write. Oh, I’ve felt that it wasn’t good enough. Or who would want to read all this? …

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Back when you wrote your 1st book, what were your thoughts about a career in writing? Where are you now in your writing journey? If you’re starting out, what are your goals?

Mini yellow daffodils and pink blossom plant

Insecure Writers Want to Know My first full-length book is the college memoir I’m trying to get published. I’ve sent out that cover letter to Zibby Books with the completed …

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Have you ever read a line in a novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy?

Spring is not here yet!

Insecure Writers Want to Know Envying authors? [Is anyone reading this?] Unfortunately, I do envy the authors I enjoy reading. [Sorry, God!] However, I can’t pinpoint a single line or …

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