If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?
Insecure Writers Want to Know If I could live in any book world, it would be in the elegance of an Agatha Christie story. I love a good pot of …
Insecure Writers Want to Know If I could live in any book world, it would be in the elegance of an Agatha Christie story. I love a good pot of …
Insecure Writers Want to Know How do you keep going when it becomes difficult to get to the end of your story? Take a Short Break: If I’m having trouble …
Insecure Writers Want to Know There are highs and lows in any profession, I’m sure. As writers, the highs are easy. Our stories are flowing. We actually finish writing them. …
Audio books. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I guess I need to publish a book first. That being said, it’s time to try and get my college memoir published. What has …