Happy Birthday IWSG! 12 Years of Making Friends and Sharing Advice

I discovered IWSG in 2016. July 6th to be exact. My first post. I was so excited. Seven years later, I’m just as excited to post to IWSG—and read other posts!

Insecure Writers Group logo

Writing and creating good stories and essays—even blog posts—are scary enough. But when you add publishing to the mix, it can freeze up a writer. Stifle her. Make her terrified to even try to get her voice out there in the world. But here at Insecure Writers Support Group, I have true friends. I learn so much from you all and find support.

I ask questions of fellow IWSG bloggers. We share emails. I buy some of your books. I read manuscripts and offer insight. I try to help with book launches. All in hopes of learning where and how to publish a great book. Great stories, essays, or memoir. And if my time comes when I have something to publish and sell, I hope you will offer advice and assist with a book launch for me. If I can figure this thing called publishing out, that is.

About my college memoir, Zibby Books said “while there were some great elements, it’s not quite right for us at this time.” **Sigh**

Recently, a writer friend said Dial Press, part of Random House, was accepting queries for unagented manuscripts for one week in August, so I sent a query. If they’re interested, they will let me know.

But I need to move on and really investigate self-publishing. Learn marketing. You need this even if you are traditionally published. I need to build my following and newsletter. My website.      

Once again, I am offering a FREE writing workshop at the Maple Shade Library in Maple Shade, New Jersey. If you are in the area, I’d love to see you there. I’m encouraging participants to bring their works-in-progress in order to ask specific questions. I want to help you finish your manuscript to the best of your ability.

My next FREE workshop will be on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 6 p.m. We will be discussing backstory in fiction and memoir. When do you include backstory? Where do you place it? And how does it affect the characters in the story?

Come, stay as long as you can. Ask questions. I’m happy to help you with your manuscript.

Here are the particulars:

Backstory in Fiction or Memoir – 9-28-23 at 6-7:00 p.m. Please register here: https://www.bcls.lib.nj.us/events/6268

Maple Shade Library
200 Stiles Ave.
Maple Shade, NJ 08052

To find other free workshops I will be presenting this year, just look under the Workshop Events tab at my website. Thank you!

Now I’m off to see how you’ve tackled this month’s question. I am extremely thankful for all of you for being my sounding board and advisors on this scary writing and publishing journey.

Thanks for stopping by my little spot on the web. Please come again!

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I’d like to thank our co-hosts for September: J Lenni Dorner,  Sonia Dogra,  Pat Garcia,  Sarah – The Faux Fountain Pen, and Meka James. Please visit them if you can.

Our group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE

30 thoughts on “Happy Birthday IWSG! 12 Years of Making Friends and Sharing Advice”

  1. Best of luck with Dial. That library event sounds awesome.
    “The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” – Albert Einstein quote
    September is library card sign-up month! Get one, use one, and be grateful such places exist.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

  2. Terrified to even try to get my voice heard ? Often feeling that relative in publishing who advised me I’m not a writer was being kind ?
    Even in-box fear – what if people hate what I’ve written..
    Thanks for putting this into words
    Doesn’t sound like anyone able to tackle something really scary= camping with five kids ! Incredible – and fun..
    The amazing woman who steered me towards indie publishing was almost ninety – and roped in my IT husband too. ‘Word document. Publishing has changed. Do it now. You’ve no time to lose’
    Age UK once asked this tiny old lady if she’d like to learn about computers. Thanked them kindly, no, she was fine – and didn’t mention her years as a WWII codebreaker, in Naval Intelligence.
    No great success yet, but this morning, my husband uploaded the next book.

    • Yes, Camping with Five Kids can be scary. But I LOVE all the adventures we’ve accumulated together.

      Writing is scary. I guess it is because I still don’t feel confident with this. Wish I knew someone with an IT background to help with my publishing. All the luck with your new release. You are way ahead of me! I LOVE the fact about being a WWII codebreaker.

      Thanks so much for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. Have a great day, Esther!

  3. Sometimes it just boils down to stick-to-it-ness (I’m making that a word!). Continuing to learn, to explore, to read and challenge yourself. I started out writing before social media, without knowing a single writer or how to find one. We are so spoiled with these wonderful resources, especially from fellow writers. Don’t ever take those gifts for granted.

  4. I love the photo of you with the lilacs, Victoria! Sorry about Zippy Books ~ Don’t let that weigh you down. Many published authors had a lot of rejections at first. I think the topic of your memoir is inspiring and encouraging, so hang in there. Hugs to you! xox

    • Thank you so much, Louise, for your kind words. I truly appreciate them and need to pay attention to them. It’s always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. Wow, seven years! The IWSG is full of such amazing writers, and it’s so nice to be part of the community. Good luck with the workshop — it sounds great!

    • Thank you, Damyanti. Yes, it is wonderful to be a part of IWSG. Thanks for your good wishes for my workshop. All best to you!

    • Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Heidi. I’m so glad you’re here. And thank you for your good wishes and kind offers of assistance with marketing. God knows I need help with that. I should check out your courses. Truly appreciate your comment. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  6. Lilacs! One of my favorite flowers. I keep trying to grow one, but so far, no good.

    Definitely consider self-publishing. I’ve heard that memoirs are hard to sell to publishers. But just because they don’t want to buy them doesn’t mean we don’t want to buy it.

    • Oh lilacs are my favorite flowers too, Elizabeth. I’ve transplanted some lilac plants and are hoping to get blooms next season.

      Thank you for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing, Elizabeth. I think you are right. I just need to buckle down and really do the self-publishing path. Thanks again for your note.


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Starting college can be difficult. But starting college at 40 while still raising five children can seem impossible. It is not. Find some tips on how I accomplished this feat in my recent Business Insider article

Helping kids become campers takes time. But it can be done. See how in my recent Business Insider article. I continue to write Parenting articles for Business Insider and share the links in my newsletters.