Teacher-led P.E.
In our elementary schools we have teacher-led P. E. The good thing about this situation is that I can still wear professional clothes when I substitute teach as it is …
In our elementary schools we have teacher-led P. E. The good thing about this situation is that I can still wear professional clothes when I substitute teach as it is …
Kindergarten class. You would think it would be easier, right? Twenty-five six year olds…all with new boots and sneakers. How do I know? Because each child told me so as …
Grammar. Literature. Essays. Writing devices. Story plots. I am in my own personal Heaven. English class, whether I am diagramming sentences with grade school students or reading complex text with …
Have you ever encountered the grade school “brain”? Each class usually has one, and this time it is usually a boy. You know the type. The boy who doesn’t need …