Would you change any published stories or books you’ve written? Insecure Writers Want to Know

Would I change any of the published stories or essays I’ve written? No, thankfully. Let’s hope it remains that way as my college memoir, Determination: Mother of Five Conquers College, will be published on May 6, 2025. Just in time for Mother’s Day!

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With my published stories or essays, I hope the writing is tight and loaded with tension. I hope it builds to a climax. Like many writers, I hope the critique partner, book coach, or editor offered solid advice in directing the creation of my stories or essays.

Yes, writers need assistance with their creations. We need eyes on our pages to see if what we’ve said makes sense. To find out what is missing. What’s confusing to a reader. No. A writer shouldn’t publish alone. Publishing is a business made up of many experts to help bring about a solid story or memoir. One that contains backstory for the characters, the reasons why a character acts the way she does. A story or memoir that contains strong themes to help the reader. A story a reader can feel immersed in. This. This is what I’m hoping for my college memoir.

Publishing, as a business, makes this memoir even scarier to produce. I am sending out into the world my personal struggles in education. Family dynamics and difficulties. Beliefs and behaviors.


I am also birthing a new creation of hope. Of courage. Of surmounting obstacles. Of taking the time needed to move forward in life. With dreams. For myself as well as for my children.   

Here’s hoping I won’t wish to change anything once Determination: Mother of Five Conquers College is published on May 6, 2025. How about you? Are there published stories or essays you wish you could change after they have been published?

I’ve written another essay for Business Insider about needing to drop my Statistics I course early in my college career. The stress. The doubt. The dangers to family life. I’ll let you know when it becomes live. 

Thank you for stopping by my little spot on the web. Please come again! And please sign up for my FREE newsletter to find tips on writing and camping. It’s greatly appreciated.

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I’d like to thank our co-hosts for February: Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson! Please visit them if you can.

Our group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE

22 thoughts on “Would you change any published stories or books you’ve written? Insecure Writers Want to Know”

  1. Sometimes our pithy statements (so we think) are downright confusing. What we say makes sense in our minds but, makes none at all.

    • We do grow as writers, Natalie. As long as we don’t find anything that truly bothers us in our published works later in our careers, we’re good. Thank you for your good wishes. Have a beautiful day.

    • Thank you so much, Liza. I truly appreciate your good wishes. I’m scared. I’m nervous. But it is time. Have a beautiful day!

    • Thank you so much, Joylene. I truly appreciate your good wishes. Like I told Liza above. I’m scared. I’m nervous. But it is time.

      Thank YOU for cohosting this month. Have a beautiful day!

    • Thank you for your kind words, Lee. They mean a lot. Here’s hoping everything works out all right. Have a beautiful weekend!

    • I have three plus twins at the end, Melissa. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Of course, it wasn’t easy. But you realize that. Have a beautiful weekend!

    • Welcome to Adventures in Writing, Jenni. Thank you so much for your kind words. Wow! I really appreciate them. Here’s hoping everything goes well. All best to you!


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