Have you ever read a line in a novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy?

Insecure Writers Want to Know

Envying authors? [Is anyone reading this?]

Unfortunately, I do envy the authors I enjoy reading. [Sorry, God!] However, I can’t pinpoint a single line or plot twist, per se. I envy the authors’ successes. They found their niche, their sweet spot. They have the ability to finish their books, become published, and market their books well. Bravo!


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All while I play around with my college memoir and struggle to create essays on the themes from the memoir. All while I fuss with creating more short stories for my middle grade series.

Still…I need to remember that each person, each writer, creates and moves forward in his or her writing life differently. Just as no two stories are the same, no two writers are the same. We all have different lives. Different obligations. Different abilities. I need to be satisfied with the blessings God has granted me.

This doesn’t mean we stop learning or reaching for that next completed work of art. We always strive to become better at our craft. To move forward in our writing lives.

To that end, I’m finalizing my cover letter to Zibby Books Press for the memoir, using my logline and book jacket copy. A logline gives the gist of your book in a sentence. It tells something about the main character, the conflict, and the stakes. So, the WHO, the WHAT, and the WHY of your story.

Logline: A South Jersey mom of five begins an arduous journey through college to help herself and her special-needs daughter achieve the dream of college.

Book Jacket Copy: At 40, Victoria Marie Lees finally begins her dream of attending college. Instead of being thrilled, she’s terrified. Terrified she’d fail, just as her father had predicted all those years ago. But she can’t. Not in front of her five children. What sparks Victoria’s journey at this time is someone trying to take the dream of college away from her special-needs daughter for the same reason.

What follows is a roller coaster ride for Victoria and her family. She begins at a community college and earns scholarship to the Ivy League. Victoria’s journey reveals that time, plus effort counts. Perseverance matters and can make success happen, even for those who learn differently.

Determination: Mother of Five Conquers College is for parents and those who struggled in school for sure. But it’s also for anyone who’s trapped in a fear of failure, stuck in a belief that she’s not smart enough to succeed. This memoir shows it’s never too late to go after that dream, whatever it may be. And succeed.

I’m explaining why Zibby Books are a good fit for this story. Zibby publishes the struggles of women, whether in memoir or fiction.

I’ll be sending the cover letter and manuscript out soon. [Are you listening, God?]

Then I can return to creating essays with themes from my memoir. A few ideas are:
College as a rite of passage, even for the non-traditional, older student.
Raising a child with a learning disability.
Parents as first teachers of their children.
And five steps to parenting kids while you are attending college.  

Please feel free to offer any comment on my cover letter or the essay topics I plan to write. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Now I’m off to see how you’ve tackled this month’s question. I am extremely thankful for all of you for being my sounding board and advisors on this scary writing and publishing journey.

Thanks for stopping by my little spot on the web. Please come again!

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I’d like to thank our co-hosts for March: Diedre Knight, Tonya Drecker, Bish Denham, Olga Godim, and JQ Rose! Please visit them if you can.

Our group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE

28 thoughts on “<strong>Have you ever read a line in a novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy?</strong><strong></strong>”

  1. Suggestion on the logline – I’d change the second “college” to “education” to avoid repetition. Just me being a relentless inner editor. Sounds GREAT! Get it out there!

  2. Good logline and blurb! May I make a small suggestion for the logline? Perhaps instead of using the word college twice, the second time say, ” achieve the dream of higher education.”

    I wish you all the best. It’s a worthy story to share.

    • Hi Bish! Thank you for co-hosting this month’s question. Great idea to change the second mention of college to “higher education.” I’ll take care of that right away! Thanks for your insight. All best to you!

  3. When you see so many people “make it” with their books, it’s hard to not be envious. But remembering we don’t see everything behind the scenes helps me. We don’t know how long it took them to get there or what struggles they had. To us, it looks “easy”. What you said is perfect – we have to remember that everyone’s journey is different.

    • Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Kristina! I’m so glad you stopped by.

      You are so right. We don’t know how long it took those writers to get where they are now, or how long it took to create their popular books. I need to think of this next time I become envious of another writer. Thanks, Kristina!

  4. You are so right. It is very important to keep in mind that we each travel different journeys in this life, that impact our writing ideas, timelines, and hope. It’s far too easy for us to compare ourselves to other’s success, when in fact, we just need to value our own progress.

    • Absolutely, Miffie! We need to “value” our own life’s journey. Life is too short to do otherwise. Thank you for this concrete advice. Have a beautiful day!

  5. Hi, Victoria Marie! I’ve been following your memoir journey with great interest. I think it is an inspiring topic for a memoir. Your longline and blurb are well-written. I agree with Bish’s suggestion. I’m wishing you success with your query letter. Each of us as writers is unique. I often think of fabulous musicians who haven’t made the big time for whatever reasons. It’s not that they’re any less talented. Nevertheless they take great joy in creating and sharing their music whatever the venue. I try to focus on that mindset. Okay, so I haven’t published a book yet, but I take great joy in creating and sharing my writing, especially in my blog. Of course I have publication dreams, but I also have writing satisfaction and gratitude. Hang in there your dream is in the process of coming true!

    • Such solid insight here, Louise. Thank you so much! You are absolutely correct. I need to remember that creating the story or journey is joyful, whether or not it becomes a big seller. Great analogy with the musicians.

      Thanks for sharing your advice here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful day!

    • Thank you so much, Shannon. I have learned lots from your book The Business of Short Stories. I appreciate your insight here at Adventures in Writing. Have a great weekend!

  6. ” Just as no two stories are the same, no two writers are the same. ” That is so very true. The way each writer works is so different. The things that inspire, the time they write, the amount they write. It’s all different.

    • Yes it is, Lynda. Thank you so much for visiting Adventures in Writing and leaving a note. It’s greatly appreciated. Have a good week!

  7. I used to envy published authors’ writing skills, but, yeah, I do envy many authors’ successes. It’s hard not to when you want to achieve the same things.

    • Absolutely right, Chrys. Wouldn’t it be nice to have readers just waiting for your new book? You have wonderful stories that are published. Bravo!

      I do have a question for you. How did you gather your “street team” to help promote your books?


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