Speculative Fiction Readers:

Get ready for Nick P. Wilford’s upcoming release – Reckoning. Here are the details.

Reckoning (Black & White #3)

Release Date: 19th September 2022

Cover design: germancreative


The time has come for those who perpetrated wrongdoing and suffering on the land of Loretania to face their judgement. Lord Histender and the other members of the deposed Reformers’ Government are in jail awaiting trial for keeping that country in a state of disease-ridden deprivation, alongside other heinous crimes.

Wellesbury Noon and Ezmerelda Dontible, the kind and benevolent new rulers of Harmonia, are looking forward to seeing justice finally being done. But nothing is that simple. Lunkin, the psychotic former Chief Scientist, has one more trick up his sleeve and is wreaking havoc even from behind bars. Soon, Loretanians who have come to make a new life in Harmonia are falling victim to hate crimes and brutal attacks. And things take a turn for the desperate when Wellesbury himself becomes compromised.

Can Welles and Ez turn the tide of public opinion and secure justice for the people of Loretania before it’s too late?

Pre-order links:

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You can also download the first part of the trilogy, Black & White, for free here, while part two, Corruption, can be found here.

Bravo, Nick!

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