Do you have any audio books? What challenges did you face in producing them? Insecure Writer’s Support Group Wants to Know

Audio books. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I guess I need to publish a book first. That being said, it’s time to try and get my college memoir published.

What has been your experience in publishing your books?

Did you self-publish and keep all decisions regarding your book or did you have a traditional publisher? What has been your experience with publishers in deciding on a book cover or jacket copy? How about marketing?

I realize all writers need to do marketing, whether traditionally published or self-published. If that’s the case, why should I submit my manuscript to traditional publishers? Do traditional or small publishers offer assistance with marketing? Show me what to do, or am I supposed to bring to the table of consideration what exactly I CAN do to help with marketing?

I’d love to hear about your experience as I research small publishers who don’t require an agent for my memoir.    

As for marketing, I’m crawling forward with building my tiny platform and email list. I’ve just finished that blasted welcome newsletter. It’s live now. Thanks, everyone who signed up, for your patience. I truly appreciate it. My newsletter is titled: “A Dose of Life’s Adventure.” I hope to create a letter every few months, so don’t be afraid to sign up. Thank you!

Marketing frightens me. I need to learn about it from real experts, not just tricks to fool the system or the buyer. There are so many people hawking courses, I don’t know where to begin. Do you recommend any book-marketing course or system that has worked for you? Oh, I better confess. I’m extremely tech-challenged.

*Please feel free to offer any insight you may have about publishing and marketing your book. It would truly be appreciated.* 

It will be interesting to see how you’ve tackled this month’s question. It’s wonderful having a topic to share our thoughts on each month. I am extremely thankful for all of you for being my sounding board and advisors in this writing and publishing journey.

Thanks for stopping by my little spot on the web. Please come again!

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I’d like to thank our co-hosts for April: Joylene Nowell Butler, Jemima Pett, Patricia Josephine, Louise – Fundy Blue, and Kim Lajevardi!

Please visit them if you can.

Our group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE

26 thoughts on “Do you have any audio books? What challenges did you face in producing them? Insecure Writer’s Support Group Wants to Know”

  1. My publisher does do some marketing. I think it depends on the publisher how much, but all expect the author to do more than half of it. I wouldn’t know where to begin and they have the leads, so I’m glad I went the traditional route.

    • That’s the problem, Alex. I don’t know where to begin. Does your publisher offer advice or suggestions where or what you should do in marketing your series or do you come up with how or where to market your books?

      Thank you so much for offering your experience here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you, sir!

  2. I don’t have experience to share but agree with Alex on publishers. I think you are expected to do more marketing for a small press than a larger one. But even big publishers do not give the same support to all authors and books.

    • You are absolutely right, Natalie. I’ve heard all publishers expect writers to do marketing. And I think writers must come to the table with a complete marketing plan to even be considered for publishing by publishers.

      Thank you so much for offering your thoughts on this. It’s truly a different world for writers today. All best to you!

  3. Having signed with a small press recently, I’m happy to report the publisher is very approachable and communicates with authors constantly, so I’m sure roles are going to be well defined in terms of marketing. I couldn’t say that would be the case everywhere though. I’m expecting to do a lot of heavy lifting, but I suppose it’s nice to have a sounding board and be part of a team, whereas for self pubbing, the author will do everything alone.

      • Absolutely true, Jacqui! I guess I won’t know what to expect, regarding marketing help from a publisher, until I get that publisher. Time to work on my proposal.

        Thank you for your note here at Adventures in Writing, Jacqui!

    • This is very true, Nick. I wouldn’t mind being part of a marketing team. Having that “sounding board,” as you mention, is quite soothing to someone who has no experience in marketing.

      Truly appreciate your sharing this insight with Adventures in Writing followers. All best to you, sir!

  4. I’ve done both and while both require the author to do marketing, the financial burden is less when you have a publisher, especially if you’re not American. Which I’m not. I think having someone who believes in you is important too.

    • Having someone believe in me or my story is very important to me, Joylene. Thank you.

      It makes sense that the financial burden is less if you have a publisher. I’ve got to find marketing guidance first.

      Appreciate your sharing your knowledge here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  5. Sadly, I have no experience either way, but I do think with small presses there’s more pressure for an author to develop and execute a plan. I’m guessing it’s hard work either way, just more support with the big guns.

    • I have no experience either, Liza. I’m just hoping that any press would guide me in this marketing of the memoir. Somehow, I feel I need to have my own marketing plan before I even approach a publisher.

      Thanks so much for offering your thoughts on this. All best to you!

  6. Like you I don’t have any published books. If I did I think I’d prefer a big traditional publisher just for the prestige of it and the support they could provide. Not that they would, but they could and I hope they would.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • I agree with the “prestige” thing, Arlee. That’s why I’m considering trying for the big guys first. But then, I need to create a proposal for the college memoir and…a marketing plan. And you are right. Will the “big guys” help little ol’ nobody me with marketing, or do the bare minimum and leave me to do…something or anything to help sell the book?

      Thanks for offering your thoughts here at Adventures in Writing. Have a great weekend!

    • Excellent points, Anna. I’ve thought of the cover reveal and Release Day Blog Tours as I helped a few writers with theirs.

      Thank you so much for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Like you, Victoria, I have to get my book published. It’s priceless to be able to tap into the expertise of IWSG members. I have so much to learn. Happy writing in April!

  8. We both have so much to learn, Louise. And yes, we are both lucky to be a part of IWSG and all their knowledge and support.

    Thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful day!

  9. Marketing both scares me and makes me feel like I’m either bragging or begging, both are things I hate to do.

    I used a small publisher for most of my books. She’s a very nice lady that is an ease to work with. I’ve self-published two books and honestly, I didn’t do a very good job of it.

    I also have a newsletter I’m trying to build and never know what to add to it. I think I’m overthinking everything.

    • Me too, Elizabeth! Not only does marketing scare me, but I overthink EVERYTHING! Nuts!

      Who is your publisher? Does she publish memoir?

      Elizabeth, I’ll go to your page and try and sign up for your newsletter. I’m considering a quarterly newsletter at the moment for me. And no. I don’t know what to add to it–yet!

      Thanks for offering your advice here at Adventures in Writing. I truly appreciate it!

  10. I have published with a small press and on my own. Our publisher is very helpful with marketing. In fact, all of the authors, if they wished, donated $10 toward marketing campaigns for the year. That makes quite a bit when added to her budget for marketing. Being with a traditional publisher allows you a ready-made networking machine when authors swap guest posts and newsletters. Self-publishing is more like working on your own. (Thank goodness, for IWSG whose members really help to shout about new releases and create a buzz.) My publisher has an author loop where we exchange places for promotion and any other “problems or good news” with each other. I think the best marketing is to have a well-written book, an eye-catching book cover, and a winner book description! Blogging is something I like to do, but that may be going away. I still like doing virtual book tours because I get to meet bloggers/authors and get to know them. Then go wide experimenting with social media (which they say doesn’t sell books, but creates relationships. ) Join FB groups in your genre and also FB groups who promote your genre books. Also locally present a program for the local libraries, sell at craft fairs, etc. I have tried FB ads and received many views, but no sales. I have done a few podcasts. Again, probably no sales, but exposure.
    After 2 years of sending out monthly newsletters using mailerlite, I am now on a quarterly timeline for 2022. I signed up for your newsletter! Looking forward to receiving it. I’m afraid marketing is OJT–On The Job Training. Learn as you go. Good luck.

    • First, thank you so much for signing up for my newsletter. I plan to send them out quarterly as well through mailerlite. I believe I signed up for yours. I’ll check!

      Second, thank you so much for all this wonderful marketing advice. I truly appreciate it. I’ve copied it to my notes. Really, thank you so much. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  11. I went the self-publishing route for my three books because I wanted to have control over the stories and the covers. It cost a lot of money out of my own pocket, though, to hire a professional editor and cover designer. I didn’t skimp because I wanted the finished product to be and look just as good as a traditionally published book. I use IngramSpark as my printer and distributor. I upload the files into their system and they make my book available everywhere. They handle both print-on-demand and e-book distribution. I didn’t publish with Amazon because I wanted local bookstores to stock my books, which they did. For me, there was nothing better than seeing my books on the shelves of Barnes & Noble along with all the famous traditionally published authors. As far as marketing goes, I think authors are expected to do most of it, whether they’re trad-pubbed or self-pubbed. As an introvert, I find marketing difficult, but I keep working on getting better at it. Good luck with your memoir!

    • Thank you so much, Lori, for sharing all this publishing and marketing advice here at Adventures in Writing. I truly appreciate it.

      Wow! You are amazing in all you did to publish your books. I understand that we need to make sure our books look their best, whether traditionally published or self-published. Did you need to learn how to upload to IngramSpark or were you tech savvy enough to understand how to do it? I so want to see my book on the shelves of Barnes & Noble or any bookstore. Did YOU need to order the books for the bookstore or did Barnes & Noble request a few books from IngramSpark?

      Seriously, you’ve given me much to think about before I try to publish. All best to you!

  12. The publishing game is not for the faint-hearted. My publisher, Thomas & mercer, says I don’t need to do any, but I do some anyway–because we are responsible for out own author profile.

    Mostly though, writing more books helps more than talking about them.

    • No, Damyanti, publishing is not for the faint-hearted. Good for you for doing some marketing for your book. And good for you getting a publisher. Bravo!

      And you are absolutely right. Writing more books helps an author’s platform. And an author needs time to create those stories. Marketing–or in my case, learning how to market–will take much time away from creating more stories.

      Thank you so much for sharing this insight here at Adventures in Writitng. Happy Sunday!


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