Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories? What motivates your reading choice? Insecure Writers Want to Know

Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing! I’m so glad you are visiting. I have the honor of being one of the IWSG co-hosts for March. My fellow co-hosts are Sarah – The Faux Fountain Pen, Jacqui Murray, Chemist Ken, Natalie Aguirre, and JQ Rose!

Please feel free to look around my blog! You can find writing tips and topics in the tab sections along the top of the blog. Check out the About Me section to see what I’ve been up to. Kindly follow me on social media if you haven’t already. Leave your blog link in your comment so I can be sure to do the same for you. Thanks so much.  

Now as far as this month’s question goes, I think every writer has a favorite genre to write in. My favorites are adventure stories and memoir. I need lots of action. To make a memoir story interesting, it needs action too, be it external or internal action.

But my reading preferences are wider. I feel writers should read widely in order to grow and see how the story structure matters to each genre. I read cozy mysteries or suspense and romance, and of course, adventure and memoir. But I can enjoy any story where I get lost in the plot and care about the characters. I can’t do horror, though. I’m a big chicken who has too many nightmares already.

On a different note, I just purchased a domain name through!

Do you have a domain name? Through whom did you purchase it? Has it benefited your searchability online or with your social media? Do you use it as a landing page or as your blog address?

I do not have a website online, only two blogs: about my writing adventures; and about my family’s camping adventures. I’m hoping to bring the two blogs together at one place on the web at

I’m trying to understand if the domain name is just the spot on the web where visitors can find all the links to my work through tabs on the page and how to connect with me or contact me


does BECOME my blog address(es) and I forego the web addresses.

There is no one correct answer, I’m sure. Please offer any insight you may have about this.

I’d love to hear about your experiences buying a domain name and then setting up your own website or blog with the new name. Sharing experiences helps us all to learn. That’s what makes IWSG a great group to belong to. 

It will be interesting to see how you’ve tackled this month’s question. It’s wonderful having a topic to share our thoughts on each month. I am extremely thankful for all of you for being my sounding board and advisors in this writing and publishing journey.

Thanks again for visiting! Be sure to stop by Adventures in Writing again.

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. We post on the first Wednesday of every month.  To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.  

90 thoughts on “Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories? What motivates your reading choice? Insecure Writers Want to Know”

  1. I have a domain name! You have to go into Blogger settings and add it there and possibly contact Hover and let them know. Sorry, been a few years since I did it and I don't remember all of the steps.

  2. I read widely too. I don't have a domain name because Literary Rambles is so well known in the publishing industry. I'll only get one in my name if I'm going to get published. But for most people, I think a domain name is good, and you can include pages at the top of the website to include everything like Alex does. Thanks for co-hosting with me.

  3. Thank you so much, Natalie, for sharing your experience here at Adventures in Writing. I so appreciate it. Bravo for having Literary Rambles so well known in the publishing industry.

    Have a beautiful week!

  4. Hello!

    I'm new to the IWSG. I'm Sarah and I'm based in the UK. My blog is very much a work in progress, so I'm glad I found this support group.

    As I'm new to blogging I can't offer you much advice on domain names I'm afraid. But I think your blog is lovely and I've now followed you on Twitter.

    I loved the question posed by IWSG and actually wrote a post on it on my own blog. I read broadly across most genres, and what motivates my choices can be anything from the weather, the time of year, the need for a little self love and recommendations.

    What's currently bothering me about my blog is that the focus of it may not be clear. The original aim was an inspirational blog about all the ways in which I revive myself, but I worry that it may come across as muddled and vain. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I'm not sure I'm even posting in the right place! Apologies if I've got it wrong, perhaps you can point me in the right direction if I have. I'll take a look at Alex's blog next and I'll contact him too.

    Have a great week xx

  5. I mostly read what I write (women's fiction) but will read a good mystery, detective, memoir, or anything highly recommended by a friend!Thank you for co-hosting IWSG this month!

  6. Hi Sarah – all the best and yes you're right the group is very supportive. I only blog … and wanted to come across to your blog but couldn't find it – then I'd comment. Good luck … there's lots of people you'll find like-minded here … all the best – Hilary

  7. I don't do horror either. As for a domain name, I'm in the dark… I suppose I should look into it, then we can stumble around together trying to figure it out!

    Thanks for being a co-host!

  8. I'm going through that blog dilemma, too. My old website domain folded and I think my blog can do double duty rather than laboriously trying to rebuild another platform.

  9. I bought a domain name last year (I think it's, but I'd have to check) I haven't gotten around to building a website around it yet, but I will. Procrastination, I suppose. But I wanted to have a website dedicated to my books as opposed to my blogger website which deals with my struggles as a writer. Part of the problem is that I still haven't decided what WordPress theme to use as an author. I'm sure I'll track my progress on that front on my blogger page. Good luck with your website.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  10. I use as a resume sort of thing. I collect everything there about my writing. I can't use it for my blog because I write non-fic and fic and keep those audiences separate.

    If Blogspot is like WordPress, you can change this blogspot address to your name. I did that with my domain and it worked nicely.

  11. I purchased the domain for my blog name and my name and they all lead back to the blog for now. Once I have more work published, it will become a bigger website with a blog attached. One day…

  12. I just had a webmistress retool my author website so that visitors start with the landing page displaying my books. For the first several years, they landed on my blog, but I figure it's time to mimic what the pros do, since I am one now. Blogging is fun, but is about my books, primarily. Do many people have different URLs for their blog and their author website? My WordPress site contains both. So much to learn…

  13. I've got my domain name, and I did it because my first publisher was adamant. How right they were. Congrats on getting yours and on doing a bang up job of co-hosting today.

  14. I have a domain name. It started as a gift from my husband almost 9 years ago. He bought it for 5 years, and when that expired, I switched to paying for it myself through google domains. I used to have a blogspot blog, but no one visited it, so I started fresh, bought some webhosting services, and installed WordPress.

    It looks like you got some good advice to transition for your own site!

    Thanks for co-hosting! Loni

  15. I've owned our domain name, have a landing page with links to my blog site and other special interest pages. I've had my my Website for years and currently it is in serious need of repair.

    When I'm ready to up date my site, I will pay someone to do the work and tell me what they did. I want to maintain my site, not depend on someone else.

    Thank you for co-hosting our March blog hop.
    Lynn La Vita @: Writers Supporting Writers

  16. I love to read & write adventure stories. No matter what genre I write in–romantic suspense, mystery, sci-fi romance–they all have an adventure within. I forget who I originally got my domain name from, but now it's thru GoDaddy.

  17. Hi, Victoria Marie! I rarely read horror either. And I can't do horror movies. My imagination is too vivid! I don't have a domain name. I decided to work on beefing up my blog for starters. I will come back to explore all your tabs and features. Thanks for cohosting today. Have fun!

  18. I'm a fan of variety in reading, too. About the only genre I've tried that doesn't do much for me is military scifi–but I've found exceptions that even that rule. Good writing is good writing, after all, in any kind of story. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  19. My pleasure co-hosting, Pat! Yes, I believe writers should deconstruct any story they enjoy to learn how the author put the story together. How a good story is put together matters in any genre.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful week!

  20. Hi Sarah! Welcome to Insecure Writers Support Group! We are glad you are here. Thanks for giving your number on the IWSG blog page. I think that will help others find you.

    I'm no expert at blogging, but I will visit your page and let you know what I think. You are commenting in the right spot for my blog, though.

    Thank you so much for sharing here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your week!

  21. My pleasure co-hosting, Lisa. Thanks for sharing that your domain name links with your blog. How did you connect your domain name to your blog?

    Thank you so much for visiting Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your week!

  22. Thank you so much for sharing this insight at Adventures in Writing, Ken. Your blog is fascinating. I can't wait to read about and see your new website.

    And thank you for co-hosting this month as well!

  23. No kidding! Thank you so much for this, Jacqui! I will have to check this out because I have two separate blogs at this time. I truly appreciate your sharing your knowledge here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  24. Congratulations on the domain! I hope it stays a user-friendly process for you and doesn't give you any headaches.

    I bought my domain name/website through a hosting service a couple of years ago and I like having it. Because I'm all about that minimal effort, I use my website for everything, it's my author website, my books are listed there, and I also blog in the same space. To me it seems easier because the less steps readers have to go through to find you/your work, the better. People's attention spans don't seem to last through three or four clicks to get to the thing they wanted in the first place. I mostly blog about books, writing, book recommendations, and story crafting, so it dovetails well with my author website anyway.

    Good luck to you! And happy IWSG day.

  25. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Cathrina! I'm so glad you stopped by. And thanks for sharing this insight with me. This is what makes this website thing so difficult to discern. Have a beautiful day!

  26. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Steph. Yes, I need to figure out what exactly I want for my domain name and just do it. I hope to have published work on the site as well.

    Thanks for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  27. I get the A to Z domain name through Hover. It was originally through another domain provider but they either passed it on to Hover or changed their name. I just pay the bill each year and don't pay much attention to who is running their operation. It's cheap though they keep offering me addition similar domain names at outrageous prices. One domain is enough for me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  28. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Sadira. Good for you for having books to display on your landing page. So very much for me to understand and learn. I can't answer your question about people have different URLs for their blog and website.

    Thanks for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  29. Hi Lee! Thank you for your kind words. They are greatly appreciated. I think I recall your transferring things over to your domain name. Good for you!

    Thanks for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  30. Thank you for this insight, Loni! What webhosting services did you buy? Are they only through WordPress? I take it your blog is no longer the free version?

    Thanks for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  31. I, too, read a variety of genres, especially is a BookBub deal (wink) I find it refreshing and it's helped me to grow as a writer by not being confined to a niche.

    I will always write humorous women's fiction, not matter the influencer genres I read – it's who I am.

  32. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Adrienne! I'm so glad you stopped by. So you use WordPress as your website with the domain name? Then your blogspot blog is listed on a landing page?

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful week!

  33. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Lynn! I'm so glad you stopped by. This is truly valuable information. Thank you so much.

    And thanks for leaving your link in the comments section. I'll be over in a minute! All best to you!

  34. Thank you so much for this, Diane. I've heard of GoDaddy. I went to hover because my friend suggested it.

    It's always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Thanks so much for your note. Enjoy your week!

  35. My imagination is too vivid, too! And thanks for saying you'll stop back at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. I like your blog and all the adventures you share on it.

    Thanks for leaving a comment here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful week!

  36. Hi S.E.! This insight is precious! Thanks so much for sharing it at Adventures in Writing. This is what I want to do with my domain name: have everything in one place on the web.

    Thanks so much for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful week!

  37. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, PJ! I'm so glad you stopped by. Good for you to write humorous women's fiction. Be who you are, my dear!

    And thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. Enjoy your day!

  38. I can't read horror either. Actually, I'm more into reading light and fluffy, so romance, light speculative fiction, and some women's fiction. Nothing too heavy or too dark.
    Congrats on your new domain.

  39. Your domain name question has a lot to do with HTML and how you set things up. I have a domain, but it cost too much to keep up with the site, so now my domain redirects to my blog, specifically to a page on my blog. (Not everyone knows the difference between pages and posts.) There's a variety of answers to your question. It depends on what you want, what you know how to do, and how you set things up.

    I love reading a wide variety of genres. I posted for IWSG day today. My post included a new book by a friend, a note about a free book next week, a tweet about a query contest (LGBTQ romance this round), and a quick message about April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author

  40. I so agree that reading in different genres is necessary too, for writers! And must admit I like Stephen King, so don't mind a bit of horror. 🙂 I used to be on blogger and now on self-hosted site with wordpress for blogging with my own domain. That you have a plan is great! I just kept trying different things with not a lot of foresight or planning. They are still a WIP!

  41. Congratulations on the new domain. I made the leap a few years ago and now keep tinkering with the blog every now and again. I've learnt a lot. I like reading many different genres too, not only what I like to read. But no horror – no – I prefer not to do that to myself although thrillers can be pretty scary too and I enjoy those. Maybe because there's a puzzle to solve and I love that.

  42. See now the memoir genre is one I've yet to explore. I've always been interested in it, and I've heard that memoirs can be structured differently, which totally fascinates me. I think you just inspired me. Loved the post! Thank you for co-hosting this month!

  43. Thanks for co-hosting this month. I agree that reading widely makes you a better writer no matter the genre you prefer.
    I use my domain as the landing page of my site with my blog as a page on my site (having my domain appear in a guest post and on social media is helpful). It helps some with searchability, but I find that tagging myself in everything I post is what really makes a difference.
    Whenever I do a guest post, I request that my name be listed as a label or tag, but not all bloggers do that. Still it's worth asking just in case.

  44. Thank you, Olga. I'm not much of a "dark" theme reader either. Life can be depressing. I read to find happy endings; the bad guy is caught; the lovers come together; the family rectifies the problems they had.

    Thank you so much for stopping by Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. Enjoy your day!

  45. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, J! I'm so glad you stopped by to leave a note. You are correct, of course. What I do with my domain name depends on what I want the site to be able to do. I don't know much about how to set up a website. Yikes!

    Thanks so much for your comment at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. Enjoy your day!

  46. You are right, Kalpana. Some thrillers can be frightening. It's the puzzle that I like in any story. How will the protagonist satisfy the story problem?

    Thanks for sharing your experience with domain names here at Adventures in Writing. I truly appreciate it. I've still got a lot to learn about blogs and websites. All best to you!

  47. Thank you so much for your kind words here at Adventures in Writing, S.A. I truly appreciate them. Fiction techniques can be used in telling the memoir story. The only difference is that the story must be true.

    Thanks again for your note here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend!

  48. What a great idea, Toi! So I just request that my NAME be listed as a "label" or "tag" when I write a guest post for someone else? And the website where you guest write tags you? What do you mean "tagging" yourself in everything you post?

    Thank you so much for sharing this information here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend!

  49. You are absolutely correct, Luciana. Reading widely helps writers to see the differences in genres and in stories. And reading widely can't help but improve a writer's stories.

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend!

  50. I have a domain name to make it easier to find me online, but I just use it as a redirect and kept my blogspot mostly because I can't find the mental space and time to fully move off of the platform I've been using so long. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  51. Most of us use software that you can use either as a blog or a website. Blogger is the only one I can think of that remains stubbornly a blog. With websites, you basically want to think of how to present your work or other services, and make it easy for people to find what they want. You still need to get them to want to find you, though, which is why blogging is a good idea, especially with groups like IWSG.

  52. I left a reply about blogs v websites somewhere in here, but I wanted to do a proper comment and thank you for co-hosting this month. You've given me a topic to write about for the May IWSG as well!

  53. Thank you for this, Samantha. That's what I'm thinking, that the domain name will help people find me online. I'm leaning to keeping my blogspot blogs at this time, too.

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  54. You see, Shannon, that's what I'm thinking too: to keep my blogs and use the domain name as a landing page to direct people to my blogs.

    Thank you so much for comment here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  55. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Jemima! I'm so glad you're here. It's my pleasure to co-host the March question for IWSG. I'm glad I've given you a topic to write about. I can't wait to read it!

    Thank you so much for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend!

  56. I have a domain name that I bought for 10 years right up front. I didn't have a website made though until a couple of years ago. I didn't want anyone to take and wanted to be sure readers/fans could find me. I just renewed last year. Thanks for co-hosting!

  57. Hi Gwen! Yes, I was worried that VictoriaMarieLees might be snatched up, so I took it. I'm hoping it won't take me long to get some sort of landing page for my two blogs here at Wish me luck!

    Thanks so much for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your week!

  58. Thank you so much for sharing this great insight here at Adventures in Writing, Jemima. I so appreciate this.

    So Blogger cannot translate into a website? Blogger is ONLY a blog.
    Whereas, WordPress is a blog AND a website or can transition into a website? Is that what you mean, Jemima?

    Thank you so much for leaving a comment at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  59. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Debra! I didn't know Blogger sold domain names. I'm still considering the landing page thing as opposed to using my domain name as just a blog address.

    Thank you so much for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend!


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