When a National Park Temporarily Closes a Trail

If National Park rangers close a trail, they are not trying to ruin your vacation no matter how much mom complains. *Ahem!* The trail is closed for a reason.
Case in point. There was grizzly bear activity noted in an area we wanted to hike one day during our stay at Glacier National Park. Whenever grizzlies are spotted at Glacier, rangers close the trails in that section. But rather than listen to Mom cry in the van, Dad took the family to listen to a ranger talk about bears.

NO! We did not see one in person. This
grizzly pic is from google images.
Grizzly bears are more aggressive than black bears. Black bears climb trees. Grizzlies are too large and have long claws. They cannot climb trees. Grizzlies rely on their sheer mass to protect themselves and their cubs. Grizzlies can reach over 700 pounds. Black bear are only about 300 pounds.
We have seen black bear in Sequoia National Park in California when we were on a nature trail with a park ranger. A cub was off in the meadow. We couldn’t find the mama. The ranger immediately turned us around and we went back the way we came.
We’ve seen black bear here in New Jersey on the Appalachian Trail. What looked like a full-sized bear was tearing through a dead tree in search of insects not 30 feet from the trail. No way to turn around this time. My son and daughter and I were backpacking for a few days. We were miles and miles from either car we had parked by access points on the A.T.
I led the children off the trail giving the bear another ten yards’ distance. We made sure we could still see the Appalachian Trail markings so as not to get lost. Quietly and slowly, we moved through the forest, so as not to disturbed the bear’s feasting. Usually—and that’s a BIG usually—black bear will not attack unless they feel threatened. I would never want to meet a mama grizzly or any grizzly for that matter!
But back to our temporary trail closures at national parks. Trail maintenance is another reason trails may be closed. And many times you can’t see what’s wrong right at the beginning of the trail. Trees come down, trails wash away leaving no footing near cliffs. Deep snow closes trails. The danger of deep snow in spring or early summer is that snow next to the earth may melt first causing water to run underneath a top crust of snow. This weakens the snow crust, making it easier for hikers to step and break through the crust and become stuck. We’ve seen these “snow melt” ice crusts cutting across trails out west in the United States. It’s always best to avoid stepping on snow whenever possible once temperatures start to rise.   
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8 thoughts on “When a National Park Temporarily Closes a Trail”

  1. There’s always a reason why the trail is closed. Never go under the rope or try to see why it’s closed. Ask the rangers and believe them.

    Thank you so much, Michelle, for your kind words and your comment. Always a pleasure seeing you here at Camping with Kids.

  2. We were traveling through Yellowstone and the rangers were antsy about a momma bear in a field with her cubs. The rangers were standing along the road telling everyone to roll up their windows and move along without stopping. Bears are obviously not animals to be messed with!

  3. Black or Grizzly, I wouldn't like to find them on a hike. A Canadian friend of mine told me that the rangers in the Rockies call Japanese cyclists, riding on the trails,'Meals On Wheels'.

  4. Yikes! "Meals on Wheels"! That's scary. I must admit, I do not like to see any bear wherever we hike. But hikers do need to know how to back away from them if the bear actually see you. You spread your arms out, with jacket or pack dangling in order to look as big as possible and move slowly and quietly. Never mess with bear or any wild animal, really.

    Always a pleasure seeing you here at Camping with Five Kids, Bill. Thanks so much for your comment.

  5. I have only seen bears on tv. I know that they are sometimes seen in people's yards in my state, but I haven't ever seen one in person- which is fine with me. I go hiking a lot in the warmer months and I would not want to run into a bear. Great that park rangers close trails when they need to in order to keep visitors safe. 🙂

  6. Safety is always important when visiting a national park or having any outdoor adventure. What state do you live in, Jess, where bear come into people's backyards? Yikes! I only have to deal with an occasional skunk because there is a woods at the end of our block.

    Always wonderful seeing you here at Camping with Kids, Jess. Thanks so much for your comment. Have a wonderful holiday!


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