Insecure Writers want to know: Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked it? Did it work out?
Have I ever pulled out old stories and reworked them? Yep! Could I get all of them published? Not always! I did get one …
Have I ever pulled out old stories and reworked them? Yep! Could I get all of them published? Not always! I did get one …
It’s true. I can no longer just read to enjoy a story. It was in reading other stories that first helped me to create some of my own. When I …
Memoir must be told in story with all the story elements in place. But of course, everything must be true. And that’s why …
If God is with me, this confounded memoir will be published and successful. To that end, I must trudge on with a redraft of my adventures in college showing why …