Visiting my daughter in Maryland this past winter, she took me ice skating. Have you ever tried ice skating with the family? It’s more difficult than it looks. At least it was for me.
This wasn’t my first time ice skating. We had taken the kids to the mountains in winter when they were younger, and we ice skated on frozen ponds like the residents. We even took the kids ice skating at an indoor rink by our home. Yes! They skated and skirted around me as I hugged the side rail.

Okay, so I have difficulty standing upright on the blades. The ice is extremely slippery for me. And yes. It seems I still don’t have any balance on the ice.
But this was supposed to be a fun adventure with the family. Who cared if ALL the other skaters flew by me. Even the little kids! Who cared if I only moved my right leg to push forward. Left leg growing stiff from shaking to stay centered on the blade below my foot. Who cared if I squatted down to make the turns on the rink, taking forever to do so. Why did I feel so hampered by my inexperience with ice skating? What was I doing wrong?
I couldn’t say I got much better as I slowly continued to round the rink. My daughter stayed with me. Sometimes holding onto my arm. True, when she let me lap the rink on my own, my feet slipped out from underneath me and I fell. Only once! I hit my head squarely on the ice. My daughter returned to my side in an instant. So did the rink assistants. I was fine. Thank goodness!

I finally realized I needed to change my perspective regarding our ice-skating adventure. I was enjoying a crisp afternoon at an outdoor public skating rink in Maryland with other families. There was no biting wind. Music was playing from the speakers at a comfortable level. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my daughter. I didn’t break anything. My daughter said it was a good thing I was hard headed. I tried to consider this a compliment.
When we returned home to thaw out, we built a fire in her fireplace and drank hot cocoa and tea. We played the board game Clue. Then we went out to dinner to the warm and inviting Casselman Restaurant in Grantsville, Maryland.

Have you had any adventures ice skating with the family? Did you have fun? Please share your ice skating experiences here at Camping with Five Kids. We’d love to commiserate with you. I mean, we’d love to share your adventures.
Thanks for stopping by my little spot on the internet. I hope your 2025 family adventures will be filled with laughter and fond memories.
My beautiful wife and daughter went ice skating. As you can see I joined them for dinner. Not a good idea to skate at 74. I think I made a smart choice.
You made the smarter choice here, William. Still, I enjoyed the adventure with our daughter. God bless you both!
Always appreciate your comments on Camping with Five Kids. Have a great week!
It’s been a long time since I went ice skating. I probably wouldn’t fare any better than you. At least you still had a good time.
Yes, I did, Alex. Who knows. If I try skating regularly–in short bursts of time–I may even be able to skate with both feet.
Always appreciate your note on my Camping with Five Kids blog. Have a great week!