Insecure Writers Want to Know
Oh my gosh! One day cannot fix the world, Vic. Remember that! It would only be a new beginning. If I could be someone else for one day, it would need to be someone wise. Wisdom is more than just memorization of book-learned knowledge. I realized this during my ten-year college journey.

I cannot say I am wise from my college journey. I learned much, yes. But true wisdom is from the heart as well as the mind. It is understanding combined with knowledge of human nature. It is day-to-day experiences. And wisdom can change lives. Families, communities. Even countries.
But how do wise people present change to a world in so need of it?
They start small. Through caring. Through courage. Through kindness. Slowly. Steadfastly. Day by day. Always looking to the future. Always inspiring others to follow what they are doing. It’s called hope. Without it, we are merely creatures living day to day with no thoughts of tomorrow.
Insecure Writer’s Support Group is one such hopeful group I belong to. You guys help me to remain strong in this scary landscape called publishing. Even with my memoir Determination: Mother of Five Conquers College coming out on May 6, 2025, I turn to you to share your knowledge and experiences with me.
I ask for any marketing tips you may have. Any insight to help me get my memoir into readers’ hands. To help readers know they are not alone in this thing called life. To give them hope of a college education, if that be their dream.
How about you? Who would you like to be for a day? Why?
My Business Insider essay about needing to drop my Statistics I course early in my college career still hasn’t been published. I’ll let you know when it becomes live.
Thank you for stopping by my little spot on the web. Please come again! And please sign up for my FREE monthly newsletter to find tips on writing and camping. It’s greatly appreciated.
This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I’d like to thank our co-hosts for March: co-hosts Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Liza @ Middle Passages! Please visit them if you can.
Our group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.
I couldn’t pick anyone either. But if we want to make a difference, it does start with us.
Yes it does, Alex. Perfectly said, sir. Thanks for always visiting Adventures in Writing. It’s truly appreciated. Have a great day!
I agree with your answer. Caring, courage, and kindness are so important.
In terms of marketing, I think you need to see how others who write memoirs that you admire market their books. It’s important to try to reach readers outside our group. It would be great if you could find bloggers who feature memoirs and go on a blog tour with these blogs.
Great advice, Natalie. Thank you so much! I have to research popular memoir bloggers, if that is even a category. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks for always visiting my Adventures in Writing Blog and leaving a note. It means a lot. Have a great week!
Your memoir sounds very inspiring and valuable. Best of luck with it.
Thank you so much, Nick. I truly appreciate your good wishes. Hope you are feeling strong. Have a good day!
Congrats on the release! I have some tips on my blog today, hope they help.
Ronel visiting for IWSG day Tips For Author Success in 2025
Thank you so much for sharing these tips with me, Ronel. Truly appreciated. And thanks for the link. Enjoy your day!
Wonderful thoughts, Victoria. Happy IWSG Day. Best to you.
Thank you so much, Joylene. Happy IWSG day! Have a beautiful week.
Congratulations on your memoir. I admire people who can set down their life stories and share them.
Thank you, Lee. It IS scary to share your life’s moments with the world. The only reason to do it is to help others. All best to you!
Your memoir sounds really interesting! I also couldn’t pick anyone and didn’t answer the question this time, but I love your thoughts about starting with yourself.
Congrats on the memoir! As for being someone else…what you outlined as what you’d want from that experience sounds like what we all need to strive to do and be all the time.
Sadly, I have no marketing tips–except, maybe–keep an eye on Ronel’s blog, as she often (including today) shares really helpful tips on all aspects of writing.
“But how do wise people present change to a world in so need of it?” Your answer to this, VML, is so doable. Every day I try to spread kindness with something as simple as a smile or a brief comment like, “Have a good day!” So many people feel invisible, and I like to project “I see you!” I’m looking forward to your memoir’s release!
Kudos on your upcoming book. What a challenge!
What a beautiful answer. I couldn’t agree more! No matter how grand our goals and aspirations may be, starting small is so important. Choosing to be kind every step of the way is what shapes our futures, our selves, and our contributions. Congratulations on your memoir! Happy belated release day! I wish you all the success possible.