English Class

Grammar. Literature. Essays. Writing devices. Story plots. I am in my own personal Heaven. English class, whether I am diagramming sentences with grade school students or reading complex text with high school students, I am having fun. I told you I’m a grammar geek.

With the elementary grades, I assist the students with creating vivid, exciting sentences for their spelling words or stories. To keep their minds dynamic, I suggest the students think in specifics rather than generals. In a third grade class I substituted for, we did a few spelling words together.

I wrote a general sentence on the board using the spelling word “swoop”:

A bird swoops down to the river to catch a fish.

Then I engaged the students to give me particulars, to paint a vivid image of what they were thinking about.

What kind of bird? Was it an eagle, a falcon , or a terradactyl?

Did it have talons? [This gives me a chance to increase their vocabulary, if they don’t know this word.]

Where was the bird before it took off? Was it on the top of a cliff, a mountain, or a dead tree?

What’s the name of the river? Was the water wild, turbulent, or tranquil? [Possibly new vocabulary here again.]

What kind of fish did it catch? Picture it in your mind, I tell them. Was it a largemouth bass, a trout, maybe a salmon?

Our final sentence for the spelling word “swoop” was:

The eagle swoops down from its nest on the bare cliff ledge to rake its talons through the tranquil water of the Colorado River and snatch a rainbow trout.

At the high school level, I get to expand my mind a little more. There is so much great literature out there that I haven’t read. I’ve learned to look for deeper meaning in literature, be it a novel, poem, or play. And I do so enjoy a story with a profound plot, something to contemplate. No, I don’t find everything. I make discoveries in the text right along with the students most times. I can place the story or poem in its historical context for students, explaining–when the teacher leaves me notes or when I know–the culture and timeframe of the story or poem. I clarify plots and character actions that I notice for the students.

Even in English class, I learn something new, be it a new story or new vocabulary or a new way to present a concept. This is what makes substitute teaching exciting and challenging. I just need to make sure that my insight and information are grade appropriate.

3 thoughts on “English Class”

  1. I want to take your English class! What a richer sentence you created with the class. It's amazing what writers can do with a simple idea.

    You should visit Tiffany's blog "Something About Everything". She subs and loves English/grammar/diagraming sentences.

  2. Thank you, Theresa. I think my writing ability, coupled with the theatre bug in me, add to my substituting qualities.

    I will seek out Tiffany's blog. I bet there are a lot of us Grammar Geeks out there. I'd love to connect to some.

    Thank you, so much, Theresa, for reading my blog.

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